Striscia sigillante autoadesiva

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Paraspifferi in PVC con spazzola, guarnizione inferiore insonorizzante sottoporta, guarnizione in gomma antirumore, paraspifferi ... Italia

  • Descrizione

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Descrizione del prodotto:
Luogo di origine
Servizio di elaborazione
Modellare, Tagliare
Nome prodotto
Paraspifferi per porte con spazzola per ridurre il rumore, paraspifferi in gomma per porte da 39", paraspifferi regolabili sotto le porte,
Isolamento acustico per porte, guarnizione per porte
PVC con pennello
Guarnizione soglia inferiore paraspifferi porta
Standard o su richiesta del cliente
Richiesta del cliente
Modalità di produzione
Processo di produzione di linea internazionale
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker supplier
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker supplier
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker manufacture
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker supplier
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker manufacture
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker manufacture
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker factory
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker supplier
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker manufacture
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker factory
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker supplier
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker manufacture
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker manufacture
PVC Door Draft Stopper with Brush Soundproof Under-Door Bottom Seal Strip Noise Reducing Rubber Door Sweep Breeze Blocker details

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